Course Catalog Abdomino Perineal Resection Adrenal gland Cytology Case 9: Visceral Histoplasmosis Adrenal gland Cytology Cases 10 and 11 : Malignant Pheochrocytoma ; adrenal gland adenoma B cell stages & Origin of Lymphomas Bone -CY Cases 1, 2 & 3 : Normal components at cytology; Acute Osteomyelitis; Tuberculosis Bone Cyto 10 and 11 : Chondroma ; Chondrosarcoma: Bone Cyto 12 and 13 : Metastatic renal cell carcinoma ; Chordoma Bone Cyto 14 : Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Bone Cyto 4 & 5 : Giant cell tumour of Bone; malignant GCT Bone Cyto 6 : Aneurysmal Bone Cyst Bone Cyto 7 : Osteogenic sarcoma Bone Cyto 8 and 9 : Ewing’s sarcoma; Plasma Cell Myeloma Breast CY Case 1 : Fibroadenoma and phyllodes tumour Breast CY Case 10 : Micropapillary carcinoma Breast CY Case 11: Secretary carcinoma Breast CY Case 12: Malignant phyllodes in pre-existing fibroadenoma Breast CY Case 2: Lactating adenoma Breast CY case 3: Galactocele Breast CY Case 4 : Fibrocystic disease Breast CY Case 5 : Granulomatous mastitis Breast CY Case 6 : Quizz Breast CY Case 7: Adenolipoma Breast CY Case 8 : Ductal carcinoma Breast CY Case 9 : Lobular carcinoma Breast Histopathology Breast Histopathology BreastCoreBiopsy Burkitt’s Lymphoma and recent concepts CLL, SLL, MBL CY Case 1 : T B Lymph Adenitis CY Case 2 : Kimura’s Disease CY Case 3 : WDLL CY Case 4 : Burkitt’s Lymphoma CY Case 5 : Hodgkin’s Lymphoma CY Case 6 : NLPHL CY Case 7 : Metastasis in LN CY Case 8 : Kikuchi’s Lymph Adenitis Endometrium 1 : Endometrial biopsy interpretation Endometrium 2 : Challenges in the reporting of endometrial biopsy Endometrium 3 : Hyperplasia to Carcinoma Follicular lymphomas Granulomatous Inflam Lymphnodes Grossing Bone Grossing Esophagus Grossing Heart Grossing Lung Grossing Renal 1 Grossing Renal 2 Grossing Small Intestine Grossing Urinary Bladder Kidney biopsy Interpretation with emphasis on Morphology I Kidney Case 6: Sickle cell nephropathy Kidney Cyto Case 7 : Medullary carcinoma kidney Kidney Cyto Case 1 : Quizz Kidney Cyto Case 2 : Quizz Kidney Cyto Case 3: Wilm’s tumour Kidney Cyto Case 4: Renal Cell Carcinoma Kidney Cyto Case 5: Renal Cell Carcinoma, variant Kidney Cyto Case 8 : Solitary fibrous tumour Large B cell lymphoma & its variants Liver Cytology Case 1 : Diffuse parenchymal liver disease Liver cytology Case 2 : Hepatocellular carcinoma Liver Cytology Case 3 : Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Liver Cytology Case 4 : Metastasic adenocarcinoma Liver Cytology Case 5 : Haemangioma Liver Cytology Case 6 : Infantile Haemangioendothelioma Liver Cytology Case 7 ; Hepatoblastoma Liver Cytology Case 8 : Angiomyolipoma Liver Cytology Case 9 : Liver Cysts MALTOMAS/MZL – definition, classification, morphology Mantle cell lymphoma – etiopathogenesis, morphology Recent Highlights on GIT Renal Biopsy Interpret MCD and FSGS Renal Biopsy Interpretation – Proliferative Glomerulo-nephritis Renal biopsy Interpretation IV Sal G-CY Case 6 Actinomycosis Sal G-CY Case 7 AMYLASE CRYSTAL SIALADENITIS Sal-G Cyto1 : Pleomorphic adenoma Sal-G-Cyto2 : Warthin’s tumour Sal-G-Cyto3 : Muco-epidermoid carcinoma Sal-G-Cyto4 : Adenoid Cystic carcinoma Sal-G-Cyto5 : Acinic cell Carcinoma The Bethesda System of Reporting Cervical Cytology I – Nomenclature and classification The Bethesda System of Reporting Cervical Cytology II Squamous Intra epithelial Lesions The Bethesda System of Reporting Cervical Cytology III Glandular Abnormalities The Bethesda system of reporting thyroid pathology Thyroid CY 6A and 6B : Papillary carcinoma Thyroid CY 7 : Quizz Case Thyroid CY 8: Hurthle Cell Adenoma Thyroid CY Case 1 : Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Thyroid CY Case 2: Multinodular goiter Thyroid CY Case 3: Thyrotoxicosis Thyroid CY Case 4: Thyrotoxicosis on neomercazole therapy Thyroid CY Case 5 : Solitary nodule of thyroid Thyroid CY case 9 : Hyalinising trabecular adenoma Thyroid-CY Case 10 : Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with extensive nuclear clearing Thyroid-CY Case 11: Quizz Thyroid-CY Case 12: Quizz Thyroid-CY Case 13 : Subacute thyroiditis